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Back from SDCC 2022

Writer's picture: Brian MoseleyBrian Moseley

Hello again, Freelancers! We here at SafeHaven Games are back with another update!

First, we wanted to give a shout out to everybody who came by our tables at San Diego Comic Con to play Freelancer and all our other games! It was a blast creating characters, playing games, and fighting against an oversized 3D print of our scrap crab! We got to meet a whole lot of you in person, and saw a few familiar faces stop by as well. A whole slew of new recruits signed up for the Corps, so if you’re a veteran, make sure to say hello in our Discord.

Players got to build their own characters to take into the demo!

We demoed Act 1 of "The Vanishing Airship" at least 10 times with more than 30 people!

Speaking of the Discord, we have had a surge of new people join us there. If you aren’t there yet, join up today for updates, regular Q&A with the creators, and a more active than ever “looking for group” section. If you still haven’t found a crew to play with, the Discord may be exactly what you’re looking for.

While we’re talking about the Discord, we want to take a moment to highlight how awesome our community is. You have all brought such great energy and insight, and we all enjoy being able to chat with you regularly. We are overwhelmed by the support of our community and are eager to bring you all more Freelancer goodness in the near future.

Oh, and what’s that? Some more Freelancer goodness has already arrived? That’s right – we have uploaded the first "Freelancer Terrain Tile Collection" to our website for you to download and use, free of charge. If you played the demo with us recently, you got to see exactly what some of these look like. You can print and use them as-is or instead do what some of our engineers have done: print them and stick them onto a bit of poster board found in a local hobby shop.

Easy to to from home for very little $$ and very durable.

And if your crew is long distance? We’re working on getting this same Terrain Tile Collection onto Roll20, so keep an eye on the horizon!

As for the timing with Roll20, module information, and our other sinister plans? Expect more information soon – we’ll keep you informed as dates become clear. For now, all we can say is that our first module, The Vanishing Airship, is entering its final playtesting and layout stage. Unfortunately, we are moving a little slower than usual because our very own Brian Moseley, co-creator of Freelancer and head honcho at SafeHaven Games, has had to use a Heroic Action and take on an injury! Looks like he rolled a Leg Wound!

There were 30 of ' 50 of 'em, but I wasn't running away.

Ouch! Hopefully he has a good medic around to provide further aid!

That’s all for now, Freelancers! See you again soon, and remember:

For Tolindia!

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